Great Tips and Tricks to Entertain Kids In the Backyard

With summer upon us, who knew most of us would be stuck at home? No summer break travel plans-although zoo trips, aquarium visits, museums, and day trips are on the road to reopening - it seems like everything is just on hold right now! One of …

With summer upon us, who knew most of us would be stuck at home? No summer break travel plans-although zoo trips, aquarium visits, museums, and day trips are on the road to reopening - it seems like everything is just on hold right now! 

One of these days, things will be back to normal; just hang in there! With your kids being stuck at home, they might be going stir crazy in the house craving the outdoors. There are so many creative activities that can be done in the backyard to keep them entertained and interested. 

It’s easy and addictive for children and parents to turn to the television, tablet, or smartphone for fun and games. Technology does have its time and place. Timed technology play can be good for kids, however, it’s no substitute for the great outdoors! Getting outside improves vision, builds social skills, lowers stress, increases attention spans, and boosts vitamin D levels — all of which are essential for strong, sustained, healthy development.

Backyard activities for kids can be fun and exciting and it gets them outside for some much needed fresh air. So, if you are curious about outdoor entertainment during these times or have some bored children, be sure to check out these great activities that will keep kids stimulated and having fun.

Outdoor Sensory Play Activities 

Backyard fun can be very stimulating for young minds as well as their body with all different types of activities to help certain areas of growth. Sensory play activities incorporating water can help develop fine motor skills and improve critical thinking. 

Here are some fun activities you can try with your child to provide fun while keeping them focused outdoors:

  • Noodle Toys: You can find inexpensive foam noodles from a dollar store and then use your imagination! You can build a boat to set sail in your pool. Or you can make a house or fort to play in. 

  • Rainbow Bubbles: To help your child with identifying colors, you can combine dishwashing soap, food coloring, and water. Then, with a mixer or a whisk, you can create fun and colorful foam! 

  • Fishing for Shells: A great sensory activity is putting different shapes and sizes of seashells in a bucket. Have your child stick their hand in and describe how it feels and what they like about it.

You can get even more creative by implementing nature into your activities such as building a bird’s nest or a bug catcher. 

Kids like to keep busy so science experiments may really pique their interest. A volcano experiment with vinegar and baking soda is a popular activity to get your kids excited about science and focus on the task in front of them. 

Active and Engaging Activities

Kids of all ages can be active no matter what abilities they may or may not have, although some activities may need to be adapted. There are so many wonderful activities that can be done outdoors and exercise is a great place to start when teaching children how to stay active. 

The best way to keep the kids focused on the current task, is to incorporate the task into an activity they enjoy. This will get them excited to start while also promoting growth. 

Here a few examples of some active and engaging activities: 

  • Yoga & Meditation: Yoga is great to stretch out the body and can ease the mind of a child who may not be able to stay calm easily. You both can sit outdoors in a quiet area with your eyes closed. You can focus on just listening to the sounds around you.

  • Drawing: If your child loves to color, you can occupy them outdoors with washable paint or sidewalk chalk. Using large chalk can help them develop their fine motor skills.

  • Picnics: For meals, you can plan and prepare them together to eat outdoors. Not only can backyard picnicking be a fun way to change up the normal routine, but it also creates a safe space for your child with special physical needs to stretch out or try new positions that work their muscles.

These outdoor activities are great for kids of all ages and developmental stages. Having some time outside is beneficial; just a change of scenery can give you and your family a boost in mood. We know especially during these times, families need ways to stay entertained so why not be entertained with easy, fun, activities in your own backyard? You can still enjoy the summertime fun from your backyard.

If your child is struggling with the transition to home life during quarantine, backyard fun might be a great icebreaker. If you need help figuring out which activities are right for your family, we are here to help! Contact us HERE to schedule a consultation and together we can create epic fun this summer in your backyard. Take some time, have fun.


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